How can I add contacts with the myFirst Circle App without adding them to my child?
To add the contact to the contact list, here are the steps:
- Go to myFirst Circle app.
- Click on ”Setting”.
- Click on ”Contacts".
- Click on ”+”.
- Insert the user ID without “@”.
- Click on “Add”.
- Click on Add Contact.
- Add their names and choose their group. Then, click to send.
- Click “Cancel” to skip the recommendation.
- The other person will receive a notification on the profile.
- Click to view the new request.
- Choose “Accept” to approve the request.
- Add their names and choose their group. Then, click on Add.
- Once they have added you, You will receive a notification.
- Once completed, you can see their name in your chat.
Please contact our customer support at if encounter any issues.
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